Friday, 8 February 2008

Feedback on an Arm Band

As I was looking to buy some staff for my collection in the area of Crete I came over an object that immediatelly drew my attention. It was an Arm Band (armelband) that wrote : Brittisches Freikorps. I was not sure of the value and of the history of this item so left it be.
However I am trying to track down what these Brtish Freikorps had to do with the Wehrmacht and the role they played in Crete during the Battle and the occupation.

I will probably buy this item in a while when I will visit the island again.Yet I will be interested to know more about this unit (besides the info that lies in wikipedia). Please help me out here and write me a comment on this post

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Another Aspect in the Battle of Crete

I am a descendant of the late military commander in the island of Crete just before the landing of the German Paratroops on 20th May 1941.

It is really not to the interest of objectivity that from the many books and reports on the Battle not even one reports the presence of my ancestor and from the Allied forces point they historians just mention the constant change of commanders.
This I belive is done on purpose. On the one hand greek historians silence deliberatly the fact that the government at that time (and possibly even now) was afraid that Crete might suscede. Moreover the Greek government had handed out the rule of Crete to the British, a move only done by the worst of traitors.
The historians fail to mantion the fact that the General that was commanding the Greek forces then, was sent out because of the fear that might organize the resistance of the island not only towards the Germans but towards the English as well...
On the other hand the Allied commanders changed every month at the period probably because the other commanders before Freyberg were not willing to do what he did, in other words a new calculated defeat for political reasons.