Monday, 14 April 2008

Die Reichswehr

One of the most colourful and nice cigarette card books is the one named "Die Reichswehr" descibing all the activities of the pre nazi German army.

This was found in the island of Crete in very good condition.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Deutschland Erwacht

I found a propaganda, cigarette cards book named Deutschland Erwacht.

Great photos, very interesting, nice artwork and in great condition.

It also includes a huge photo even now it is hard to print and embedd in a book!

Gipsbinden Box

A very good freind found on her father's things a box that seemed unusual.

This is a German WWII medical kit box containing Plaster bandages for hurt troops.

The tin is metal and the rest is pressed paper with metal reinforcement details.

I think it is very interesting and I am looking also for dextrosan and benzedrin tablet containers that the German paratroops used to carry during missions and according to the book Crete : the battle and the resistance the paratroops had theses tablets and they were sought out item.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

The Truth About Skopje

Wathcing a very interesting DVD of National Geographic, concerning the Balkan Wars of 1912-13, when referring to Macedonia, the narrator mentioned that Macedonia is a geographic region inhabited by various nations, with long disputes among them.
However, referring to maps of the time, the area now called FYROM, does not exist in any name even close to Macedonia.
This state in the specific geographic area continued during WWI.
However after the greek civil war, during which, the main communist factor at the time motivated (even before the Nazi occupation ends) a large group of people, misleaded and finally betrayed, and ended in bloodshed, the same communist factor (then USSR) supported the dictator Tito, to name this region as Macedonia, reflecting the communist desire to have Greece some time after their control.
The major mistake, not inocent was made by the uncle of the current prime minster, then prime minster of Greece, Konstantinos Karamanlis. He overlooked this bilateral problem. So we face this today.
In fact since after the WWII all Greek governments have responsibility on overlooking this problem.
Now it is the time and the heavy burden for todays prime minister to deal with it.
Personally I think that the current P.M. Kostas Karamanlis, has far better intentions and stronger will (and a very good opportunity) to keep Greek pride high. To take side with Europe and leave America at its fate which at the time does not seem very good (and their foreign policy deserves it!).
As for Skopje I think that if these Nazi collaborators continue to insult Greece we should take harsh maesures against them. An embargo and a withdraw of all Greek companies would create a serious economic collapse of this so called country and lead them to have as priority to have lunch than bargain a name that was never theirs and do not deserve it!